Creative Strategies of Sustainability

Seminar for European Culture Managers

So far the International Cultural Centre ufaFabrik has addressed three different forums on the development of sustainability strategies for cultural workers, artists, and cultural organizations (2004, 2012, and 2013).

Under the working title, “Creative Strategies for Sustainability”, we highlighted 13 different aspects of sustainability in 2012:

  • Sustainable building and construction
  • Creative financing strategies
  • Social dimension and diversity
  • Quality of life for artists and cultural businesses
  • Artistic approaches to sustainability

Through lectures, workshops, and visits to various projects around Berlin, the participants were able to collect exemplary practical experience in, for instance: building construction using earth, the vegan diet, and various aspects of resource-oriented cultural production. The participants developed individual strategies for their cultural projects, and checked them for feasibility.

The cultural highlight was a bike cinema where the projector was powered by the pedalling of the viewers. The next bike movie is scheduled for September 2015.

Employees from around 70 private European cultural institutions took part in the this project and took their findings back to their respective organizations.

The program, “Creative Strategies for Sustainability” was organized by the International Culture Centre ufaFabrik eV within the Engine Room Europe 2011-14, initiated by Trans Europe Halles, coordinated by the Melkweg / Amsterdam and funded by the European Commission.

Available for download:

Quick English documentation CSOS 2012 and  2013-short

sustainability charter for analyzing and developing sustainable strategies for cultural institutions

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Video: What is Julie's bicycle for

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