I am OK
martinmarion’s real name is, surprisingly, Martin Marion. He took the name martinmarion as his artist name, because it is just one word and therefore cooler. also, he was named like that by the internet, it seems. Maybe his name is even martinmarion.net, he is not yet sure. He hopes to figure it out in his lifetime, however much of it he still has left. He seems to be more than half way done. Half empty, so to speak. Or half full. A matter of perspective. A half full life. That’s also the name of one of his songs, which may or may not, he’s not sure yet, make an appearance in his video cabaret, which is what “i am OK” is. A video cabaret. He is also not entirely sure what that is. He is doing it to figure that out, or to figure out that it cannot be figured out.
martinmarion is, by education and by the way he has made his living so far in his life, an actor. Born in Slovenia, educated and started his career in U.S.A. Living in Berlin.
During the now almost forgotten Corona times, he started doing his own theatre (well, it was really videos, but theatre sounds cooler and being cool is starting to sound like something important) in his room, in front of a phone and posted the results on the before-mentioned internet, to no success. He still felt happy doing it and kept doing it. He may be doing it for the rest of his life, however long that may still be. He appears to be more than half way done. Oh, that was already mentioned.
He now wants to add to this experience the one aspect that was always missing, which is a live audience.
i am OK.
a video cabaret.
by martinmarion.