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Kultursommerfestival Berliner 2022

mit Odarka, Maryana Golovko & Max Smogol "Wortspiel", Love'n'Joy

So ein Festival gab es noch nie. Feiert alle mit! Egal ob am Wasser, im Park, zwischen Hochhäusern, vor dem Museum oder auf der Straße: 90 Partner machen beim Kultursommerfestival Berliner Orte zur Bühne, zur Tanzfläche, zur Leinwand.

Nehmt euch eine kleine Auszeit. Taucht ein in unvergessliche Kultur-Sommerabende: mit Liegestühlen, Sonnenschirmen, Eis und einem Gefühl wie am Meer. Das vielfältige Kulturprogramm bietet Konzerte und Lesungen im Strandbad oder im Tierpark, Akrobatik auf dem Holzmarkt und Staatsballett auf dem Schiff. Entdecke Sterne im sommerlichen Nachthimmel mit dem Planetarium im Park und erlebe Inszenierungen von Theaterdiscounter oder HAU auf der Straße. Auch Festivals wie 48 h Neukölln, das Classic Open Air, der CSD, die Fête de la musique und viele andere sind dabei. Kulturprojekte Berlin verantwortet das Gesamtprogramm und bringt gemeinsam mit 90 spartenübergreifenden Programmpartnern niedrigschwellige Kulturerlebnisse in die Nachbarschaft. Das Kultursommerfestival ist ein Teil von DRAUSSENSTADT.

Einen ersten Teil des Programms findet Ihr hier auf der Website sowie auf Facebook und Instagram. Weitere Veranstaltungen werden bald veröffentlicht, schaut dazu gerne regelmäßig in unseren Veranstaltungskalender!



Kyiv based, Minsk born electronic musician, pianist and vocalist. Music i create may be called electronic, but it fluctuates between the academic/jazz influenced sounds of acoustic piano, electronic rhythms, synth interweaving and tender vocals. 
My performance will be dedicated not only to the sound and it is ability to create a wave of energies and emotions when people openly involve in it together, but to the war Russia has started against Ukraine and an acute pain it makes Ukrainians feel everyday. I will sing my songs in Ukrainian us usual, and will play a Ukrainian folk song.

Maryana Golovko & Max Smogol "Wortspiel"
«Das Wortspiel» is a project of two talented musicians - singer Mariana Golovko and guitarist and sound producer Max Smogol from Kyiv (UkrAine).
For more than 10 years, the musicians have collaborated in the field of film and music production in Kyiv at the studio. But after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, they inadvertently met in Berlin and decided to write an album that combines modern Ukrainian poetry, music and vocals.
The overarching theme of the album was a reflection on the theme of war and its reinterpretation by musical means of expression.
The program will include both new works that will be included in the album "Klangbilder" and songs by composers of the sixties of the Soviet thaw

“Three men united by a deep love for the classic 60s sound, psychedelia, British pop, a sense of
optimism and positivity, that’s Ukrainian band Love’n'Joy." Drowned in Sound
Taking influence from the golden age of 60s and 70s, British pop and trippy psychedelia, Love’n’Joy’s music perceive to be the journey of "tribal collective unconsciousness". But they also put an element of hard rock – with Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin among their influences – and plenty of guitars, which lend a rougher edge. Their work reflects the spirit of a new, resurgent Ukrainian rock music.
Playing together since 2016, guys released their new album “Bender on the Silk Road” in 2019 and made a limited edition of their first vinyls and tapes. New release was supported by Europavox, Psychedelic Baby Magazine, 2XS Rocks, For the Love of Bands, Beat To Be etc.
Constantly touring all over Europe, the band had six tours, including festivals and support acts of
Kikagaku Moyo, Boogarins and Swedish Death Candy. In May 2020, due to the coronavirus outbreak, Love’n’Joy had to cancel their first UK tour, including performance at The Great Escape festival. Now, as the world starts to reopen its doors, the band is getting ready to hit the road again this summer again.