Wolfgang Neuss Salon

7th of September 2012

Offene Probe

In the beginning, it was never celebrated marriage. Then a dramaturgical text and an international debut in a festival dedicated to the crisis came. Now we wonder if the final goal of 07.09.2012 could be something with a different language. It is an open project, that starts from a personal and a couple crisis, and widens to generational, artistic, value, economic, identity, European crises…

It could take the shape of a performance, an installation, a house like ours, a book open only for those who know where to look; and we like to watch, especially in the bathroom cabinets. Now we still don’t know, we know almost nothing except that the crisis lurks within our identities, but it doesn’t not so much. Not always.

07.09.2012 was an important non-day for us. A day where we realized that the gap between reality and fiction is not so wide, while the distance between what happens and how we tell it can be infinite, infinite could be the distance between two people who think they talk about the same thing, in the same room, in the same time.

And wherever our research will lead us, it will certainly be theater.

by Chiara Boscaro and Marco Di Stefano
videomaker Antonio Simone Giansanti
a project by La Confraternita del Chianti a production by AIDA/Ass. Cult. K.