Free School

Berlin Free School e.V.

In the summer of 1979 the first students came to the Berlin Free School to begin their classes, since then the school children have been a part of daily life here at ufaFabrik. Like any primary school in Berlin, the Berlin Free School is open to grades 1 through 6.

It was founded by parents committed to the idea that kids want to learn, and they want to learn on their own accord, as long as they are given the space to do so. The principle of the school is that every experience a child has, whether social, cognitive, or emotional, is an educational experience, and is equally important to the development of the child. Someone coming from such an educational background is, therefore, always in the process of learning: such as when dealing with other people, or participating in a game, ect…

These are the conditions for the “alternative” teaching practices here at the Berlin Free School.

To read more, visit the website of the Freie Schule e.V.