Archiv: Platypus Theater - Just thirteen


englisch-sprachiges Theaterstück 6. - 8. Klasse und Erwachsen

Mi. 10. bis Do. 11. Oktober 2018
Uhr, Mi
Einzelpersonen: 9 €, Gruppen: 7,50 €, JugendKulturService: 6 €, Gruppen aus Brandenburg: 7 €

a comedy about not wanting to stick out but still wanting to be unique and seen, recommended for grades 6 - 8 or ages 11 - 14

What are two American teenagers up to? The twins Katy and Tyler have just turned thirteen. They are finding out that life gets complicated when the body is changing. Emotions are on a roller coaster and friends and family seem to be going crazy. Tyler is surprised that his gaming buddy would rather go out with a girl then play with him. Katy struggles with school work while trying to keep her relationship with her Best Friend Forever from becoming Big Finished Forever. Helpful talks with mom and dad only make things more painful. Katy would love to just disappear and wait for her thirteenth year to be over- but there are some things in life that you just have to get through...

Von: Lindy Annis
Regie: Anja Scollin
Bühne: Kerstin Junge
Mit: Charmaine Gorman, Olivia Dean and Benjamin Bishop

Spieldauer: 60 Minuten

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